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Prophetic Endurance

A Prophet's Claim

Listen to me, O Jeshua the high priest, and other all you other priests. You are symbols of things to come. Soon I am going to bring bring my servant, the Branch. Now look at the jewel I have set before Jeshua, a single stone with seven facets. I will engrave an inscription on it, says the Lord of Heavens Armies, and I will remove the sins of this land in a single day.

Zechariah 3:8-10


Once again I will pour out my heart like water. In the watches of the night I will cry to you . . . 

Emily Isaacson 

Today I will address: what is an encouraging moment, a divine appointment, a prophetic word, a prophetic office and a prophetic claim?

It is important that we distinguish between all of the above, as a prophetic company would. As such to be clear: a group of witches forms a coven, a group of satanists forms a cult, but a group of prophets forms a 'prophetic company'. A prophetic company usually consists of one main prophet or leader, and the followers who live with him and covet his teachings, disseminating them in writing to others. Jesus, when he lived on earth with twelve chosen followers, was living with a prophetic company, even if they were tasked with evangelism.

In the modern day church we have Catholicism and Protestantism. All other church denominations besides Catholic evolved from the Anglican denomination and are Protestant. The modern day Charismatic church (Protestant) embraces the "gifts of the spirit," including the prophetic. People who are prophetic are no different than people practicing hospitality, miracles, prayer, or evangelism. They are all acceptable, desirable, and the person is not making a prophetic claim.

To be around a prophetic person is usually a feel-good opportune time. It is that bullseye word that tells you they just understand your vision, or see things about you that no one else does. If you know friends who are this type, you might seek them out when you are having a bad day. If they are not too melancholic, they might put a smile on your face. This gift comes from the Lord.

As they graduate toward higher levels of giftedness, they might seek out people they don't know. They may hope to run in to people they don't know and give them a word. This is called a 'divine appointment'. That sounds strange, but they are actually seeing if they can get a word from the Lord for someone they know nothing about. How daring! Impromptu, you might ask? To hit a bullseye you'd have to be quite good. You almost have to have perfect timing. But they are listening for that still small voice.

What voice? This idea started with the prophet Samuel while he was still living in the temple as a prophet in training. Interestingly enough, his mother, Hannah is considered one of the seven great prophetesses of Israel. He, by being born, was off to a good start. The lineage of the prophetic descended form Samuel is about hearing the voice of God in the night. It has to do with aloneness, with solitude. Samuel heard it as a little boy, and was told by the Priest Eli to respond to the voice. He learned to listen to God's voice, and be validated in the sight of men.


Prophets operating under the mantle of Samuel listen and learn to discern God's voice. When they hear him call in the night, they rise and obey.

Prophets operating under the mantle of Moses, on the other hand, are leaders. They can do miracles, like strike the Egyptians with plagues, and part the Red Sea. They think nothing of receiving the Ten Commandments, or telling the people they are under God's wrath if they don't repent. This type if prophet isn't quite as popular, and we don't see many of them in the present age. We do see people praying for healing of the sick, and this emanates from the mantle of Moses, and his snake on a pole (in modern symbolism, the medical profession uses this also.) When prophets operate out of New Testament teachings, and come after Christ's ministry they rarely use the anointing of Moses, or they would do miracles, and write sacred books.

In the Vineyard, the invitation to everyone in the church to operate under the anointing of the Prophet Moses comes in the form of receiving a 'word of knowledge'. This is a prophetic sense (often by mental picture) that someone else in the room has a very specific symptom, physical ailment or disease. People in the room are waiting silently to get this word of knowledge, then share it. They sense that the Lord wants to heal. They then invite those with these conditions to come forward and then they pray for them. Everything is very immediate. Sometimes they are healed; often they are healed of something, although it may not be the same thing they came up for.

A prophet in the Vineyard or other Charismatic movements who has a good track record, and perhaps publishes his visions, and is anointed may take a prophetic office. Usually this is determined by age, maturity, professionalism (they are published, publicized, and criticized) and church acknowledgement. They can stand up to testing, up to difficult questions about the Scripture and about Jesus, and represent his will accurately. They don't balk at being on stage, or under pressure. These people may be prophets for a living, and are openly called 'prophets.' This is more performance oriented.


So what is a Prophetic Claim? We might put this in BIG letters, because a prophet making a claim is something we should notice, and see whether it comes true or is later validated. A prophetic claim would include predicting something in advance, a date, event, disaster, or rulership of nations by politicians and royalty. It may also be something in the future that we will not know until heaven.

Prophets making claims may be given a bad rep for two reasons: First, they sound like they made something bad happen to everyone. Second, They are saying something about Jesus of the Bible that you have not heard or understood before. The Bible lets us in on a lot of things about Jesus, and other events in advance with the Major and Minor Prophets. These have all been accepted as making true claims. The religion of Christianity accepts the prophetic as not being responsible that the things their prophets predict happen. They do not think it is reasonable to conclude they caused the event or the bad outcome; they conclude it was the result of sin and rebellion.

A prophetic claim I have made when publishing prophetic verse would include the rise of Meghan Markle (who was called the Duchess of Sussex) as a modern day Queen Esther, and that Jesus wrote the word 'Chalcedony' in the dust (what I call the blood stone), when they tried to stone an adulterous woman.


If suddenly something in the Bible becomes clear, or relates to you, that is a moment of clarity, a moment of vision. It is somewhat like you just got a pair of eye glasses. There are two other prophets that I minister here with locally. One has a prophetic company. Both might fall into that category of being teachers, with specific prophetic teachings and exercises. I like to think of them as Sam eye-glasses, Joe contacts, and Eddie laser-eye surgery. They would not like to draw attention to themselves, so I will not mention them by name.

When one of these three teachers has a prophetic following either locally or globally, it is good to note whose company you are getting prophetic teachings from. You might prefer a different style, or follow one over another. That is really no big deal.

We would acknowledge thought that if there were two prophetic mantles operating on earth, they are:

Samuel and Moses (in the end times). They might be also called two olive trees.


Can you distinguish between the two. . . 

Which style do you prefer . . .


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Prophetic Moments

Waiting for Jesus.

Listening to the Holy Spirit.

Urged to act by power not our own.

Worshipful Postures

Hold your hands out.

Keep your candle lit.  

Worship every day.

Pray for others. 




Quiet Time With Sea